Bitting young, ‘green’ horses with the DC Morgan from Bombers
Horse & Rider Magazine recently showcased an editorial on Bombers Bits featuring eventer Hayden Hankey, which our MD Stephen Biddlecombe contributed to.
Hayden is an experienced horseman, and is renowned for his skills in producing young horses; he has a string contesting the lower levels this year. He’s pictured below riding Cartown Galaxy.
“Bitting is key when the horse is young. A comfortable bit will not train the horse, but it does remove an obstacle to training. At a young age, they are still learning the aids and the feel of the rider’s connection,” he says.
Hayden was one of the first competitors to get his hands on an exciting new bit from Bombers Bits with a swivel action: “Many sensitive competition horses react negatively to pressure placed on the tongue.
“Hence, I am a big fan of the new breed of swivel bits – I like the Bombers Bits DC Morgan, as I find that it helps prevent green horses getting their tongue over the bit, and keeps any poll pressure stable, helping to keep them relaxed and ‘round’ in front of the fence.
“The Bomber Blue DC Morgan is not ridged or rough, and it’s made of a soft material; so it’s not confrontational,” Hayden adds.
The swivel element of the DC Morgan allows the cheekpiece and mouthpiece to work independently, reducing the leverage on the mouthpiece.
When the contact is taken up with a bit, almost all mouth pieces will rotate in the mouth; this rotation can cause extra tongue and bar pressure. However, the swivel in the DC Morgan stops the mouthpiece from rotating, keeping the bit quieter in the mouth, and reducing pressure.
Happy Tongue and Bomber Blue DC Morgan bits from Bombers Bits
The DC Morgan is available in a sweet iron Happy Tongue version, as well as the Bomber-Blue material (PICTURED LEFT) that Hayden uses, which is made from a rubber-nylon compound. A titanium version is also available, and all versions are ported.
Our MD Stephen Biddlecombe of Equine Management Ltd says the Bombers ‘DC’ range is great for horses with narrow jaws, low palates, large tongue and fleshy mouths – eg. with not much ‘room’ for the bit. “The swivel action of the DC Morgan gives the horse confidence to take the contact and not ‘block’ the rider,” Stephen explains.
“It can help the horse relax the back and become more’ through’, in turn creating more swing and engagement. The DC Morgan has a drop, or hanging cheek, however the action is a little different to a normal bit of this style, as the loose ring bridle attachment keeps poll pressure stable, as Hayden has found,” he says.
LEFT – The DC Morgan sweet iron Happy Tongue.
The DC Morgan bit that Hayden uses is not ‘dressage legal’, as it has extra rein loops; however Bombers also produces a version called the DC Dressage Swivel, which is allowed in affiliated contests. (PICTURED BELOW)
Both versions are available in a sweet iron Happy Tongue version, as well as in the Bomber-Blue material, and titanium.
All versions are ported.
Read the full version here of the Horse & Rider Magazine editorial on Bombers Bits’ DC Morgan.