Bombers Bit Curbgag

The Curb Gag uses the concept of a Rope gag but instead of applying poll pressure, it is used to apply curb pressure from the second/bottom rein. Although poll pressure is not totally removed as there is a similar action to the Ring or Drop Cheek on the bit/top rein.

Bombers Bit Snaffle Curbgag

Bombers Bit Snaffle Curbgag


Bombers Bit Elliptical Curbgag

Bombers Bit Elliptical Curbgag


Bombers Bit Colin Miles Curbgag

Bombers Bit Colin Miles Curbgag


Bombers Blue Curbgag

Bombers Blue Curbgag


Bombers Bit BC45 Curbgag

Bombers Bit BC45 Curbgag
