Richard Maxwell advocates Bombers Bits…
(Pic credited to Richard Maxwell, of:
We have been pleased to see that leading equine behaviourist and trainer Richard Maxwell has been based in Sth Africa recently, at Ridgetop Equestrian, and has also been developing a new working relationship with Bomber Nel, of Bombers Bits.
Our MD Stephen Biddlecombe is the UK distributor of Bombers Bits, and we are delighted to see influencers like Max promoting ‘considered bitting’ and lorinary, and of course Bombers Bits, our favourite range of sweet iron bits for horses!
“Bomber has found that around 80% of horses do not like tongue pressure, whereas when he first started bitting, it was probably around 30%,” Max reported during his visit. “The shape of the [equine] jaw has definitely changed, with the gap between the bars narrowing from 3 fingers wide to, in some cases, one finger in width. Which means the [equine] tongue no longer sits between the bars. He also found that the roof of the mouth in some horses is now convex and not concave.”
Max has been discussing the issue of the bars of the horse’s mouth with Bomber; (the bars of the mouth are the interdental region where there are no teeth, where the bit sits) – and whether the bars are ‘man made’, e.g. developed through domestication and riding, or whether the horse is born with bars. Bomber reportedly believes that both elements are true, e.g. both ‘man made’ and a natural occurrence.
Interestingly, Max and Bomber have also been discussing the possibilities of developing a Bombers bespoke bit made purely for your horse’s mouth, based on taking casts of the horse’s bars. This technology is fascinating, but still in development – so please do remember that you can order a bespoke bit from Bombers utilising the cheekpiece, mouthpiece and sizings that you require – contact us on 01825 841 303 or email: for info.
We would like to wish Max and his connections all the very best within his working relationship with Bombers Bits.