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Happy Tongue Cherry Roller Pelham



Happy Tongue Cherry Roller Pelham

A horse shaking its head when bit pressure is applied or its tongue trying to escape the bit are classic signs the horse has a sensitive tongue. With this in mind the happy tongue was created, it has a medium port creating space for the tongue, relieving pressure, allowing the horse to relax.

Hence, Happy Tongue is a solid mouth piece. It is curved and ported to give tongue relief.

The Cherry Rollers are constructed tightly so there is no chance of pinching. They roll in the horse’s mouth giving him something to play with and reducing the likelihood of the bit being held in the horse’s teeth.

The Pelham 55 has attachments for two reins, one near the mouthpiece and one at the end of the shank. These reins have similar action to the curb and bridoon reins in the double bridle.  Some riders, not adept at handling two sets of reins, prefer to use rein connectors, leather loops which connect from one ring to the other on the bit shank. The rein is then attached to this rounding.

The Pelham 55 has the shortest shank (55 mm) out of our range, this will soften poll pressure and leverage on the mouthpiece and curb.

Additionally, It is supplied with curb chain and hooks.

The Happy Tongue is a solid mouth piece. It is curved and ported to give tongue relief. The Happy Tongue would be a good place to start if your horse is:

  • Shaking its head
  • Sticking its tongue out
  • Sucking its tongue back and as a result making an intermittent coughing noise
  • Trying to put its tongue over the bit
  • Going behind the bit to avoid the contact
  • Snatching the reins forward and down

The rider will know immediately if this is the correct bit, as a horse with a sensitive tongue will finally begin to work into, and accept the contact. Changing the cheekpieces would then allow the rider to adjust the level of control.

Furthermore, all our bits are made from blue sweet iron, because it:

  • oxidises easily
  • encourages salivation
  • helps bit acceptance
  • is warm and sweet

Please note the blue will fade with use.