Gel-eze Equestrian Products

Gel-Eze-Sheepskin-PadGel-Eze Sheepskin Pad

We combined all the features of our best selling half pad with the additional benefits of Gel-Eze! Gel-eze comfort cushions the shoulder, under the point of the saddle tree, and either side of the spine. Great for big moving dressage horses – the gel-eze also stops lateral movement of the saddle.

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Gel-eze-Saddle-Square-DressageGel-Eze Sheepskin Saddle Square

Rolled front edge, half lined Stephens Sheepskin combines the therapeutic properties of treated, pure sheepskin fleece with a cotton quilt backing and now with GEL-EZE comfort cushions.

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Half-lined-Jumping-Numnah-Gel-ezeHalf Lined Dressage Numnah with Gel-Eze Comfort Cushions

Gel-eze comfort cushions the shoulder, under the point of the saddle tree, and either side of the spine. Great for big moving dressage horses, the gel-eze also stops lateral movement of the saddle.

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Half-lined-Numnah-GelezeHalf Lined Jumping Numnah with Gel-Eze Comfort Cushion

Gel-eze comfort cushions the shoulder, under the point of the saddle tree, and either side of the spine. Great for big moving dressage horses, the gel-eze also stops lateral movement of the saddle.
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1-Gel-Eze-Non-Slip-PadGel-Eze Non-Slip Pad

GEL-EZE not only protects your horse, but, when chilled acts as an instant cold compress for sore joints and tendons also aiding the recovery from strenuous exercise and hard-ground trauma.


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1-Gel-Eze-Saddle-PadGel-Eze Saddle Pad

GEL-EZE not only protects your horse, but, when chilled acts as an instant cold compress for sore joints and tendons also aiding the recovery from strenuous exercise and hard-ground trauma.
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1-Gel-Eze-Wither-PadGel-Eze Wither Pad

Gel-Eze Wither Pad for use in the Stable, Travelling and in the Competition Arena.
The impact-absorbtion qualities of gel are well known, and now we are distributing this innovative product that every horse owner should have.
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1-Gel-Eze-Under-BandageGel-Eze Under-Bandage

Gel-Eze under bandage for use in the Stable, Travelling and in the Competition Arena.
The impact-absorbtion qualities of gel are well known, and now we are distributing this innovative product that every horse owner should have.
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The-Gel-Eze-Gelee-Fish-1-BlackGel-Eze Gelee Fish 1

Gelee Fish 1 has the comfort cushions only on one side.
Superb impact absorption.
Reduces back & wither injuries.
Prevents saddle slipping.
Lightweight and discreet
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